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If you missed this recent post from @DailyPolicePhoto on Facebook, check it out here:

Good stuff

Posted by Police on Monday, February 29, 2016

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Check out The new smokless range is unbelievable! The possibilities are endless. I haven't created my own stages yet but stand by! Im shooting an airsoft glock with IR laser.

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Laser Ammo Unveils Interactive Multi Training Target System

Manageable cost and advanced training were what Laser Ammo had in mind when it developed its latest product, the Interactive Multi Training Target System (i-MTTS). The Interactive Multi Training Target System boasts an interactive system that operates without the use of a computer. The targets communicate with each other in whatever numbers the user selects, up to five. Each target offers four different target shapes and sizes, including five different drills: 1. Stand Alone – Shoot, hear and see your shots on each target separately 2. Steel-Plate Shooting – Shoot all targets as fast as you can 3. Chase the Ball – Tactically train by working on transitional drills around the room, identifying your threat target and shooting the bright-green LED moving between the targets 4. Shoot/No-Shoot – Shoot only the moving green target that lights for two seconds at a time, or get penalized when hitting the red one 5. Double-Speed Shoot/No-Shoot – Advanced level of drill four, for more proficient, faster shooters It’s the most advanced, most cost-effective electronic target on the market, according to Laser Ammo VP of Business Development and Sales Chen Shoshani. “There’s no better tool when it comes to interactive training,” he said. “Laser Ammo is introducing this tool to meet the needs of shooters of all skills levels who want to practice up in a variety of scenarios, from home defense and tactical shooting to steel-plate, IPSIC and IPDA competition training.” The multi-target system is also built specifically to work with the Laser Ammo SureStrike™ cartridge – both visible red and IR lasers – for standard firearms and the vibration cartridge for recoil-enabled guns, such as Airsoft rifles. “We didn’t want to restrict shooters to one way of training,” Shoshani said. “With the Interactive Multi Training Target System, they can choose the amount of targets with which they would like to train, the size and shape of the targets, which of the five drill modes to select and if they would like to operate with a buzzer indicator, a light indicator or a combination of the two. It’s the ultimate in flexibility.” The new Interactive Multi Training Target System will be available for purchase in February (MSRP starts from $99.95). For more about Laser Ammo's iMTTS visit:

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Firearm Patriot

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A renunţat la Franţa pentru că s-a îndrăgostit de bălţile de pescuit din România. E povestea unui campion mondial la pescuit, care participă la târgul Fishing & Hunting de la Romexpo, deschis până în această seară, la ora 20. Pe lângă lansete, expoziţia are oferte şi pentru pasionaţii de vânătoare, reală sau virtuală.

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Thanks to @johnnapolitano

These 2 products featured at shotshow were the best training systems I have ever seen. Coolfire is a drop in co2 barrel the makes the slide go back giving recoil and shoots a laser. The targets I'm shooting are by laserammo. And that is just the tip of the iceberg for laser ammo. They have a smokless shooting range for the home that is affordable. Wait for the next video! Thanks for the great video @johnnapolitano!

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All Outdoor

At the 2016 SHOT Show I made it a point to stop by the Laser Products booth to see if they had gone into production on a prototype target they displayed last year. The new target series, the Interactive Multi Target Training System (i.M.T.T.S.), is finally ready for release and is even better than the early version I got a sneak peek at last year. The i.M.M.T.S is set of interactive targets used with the company’s laser products. Each unit consists of a plastic base with electronics and a slot for insertion of scaled down reflective targets. The target choices include 1/4 scale IPSC targets, bullseye targets, and silhouette targets.

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The Firearm Blog

Interestingly enough I found out about Laser Ammo while I was at the CoolFire booth. One of the guys from Laser Ammo had staged number of their small, laser-reactive targets (Interactive Multi Training Electronic Target System) to be used with the CO2 operated laser trainers (which I might add made for a super fun and addictive session). It was interesting enough that I was forced to visit their booth to see what else they had. Like a number of other exhibitors that were hawking laser training systems, Laser Ammo had a wide booth and a projector and sounds of simulated steel being shot. They had a much wider variety of items than the other vendors I had visited to that point...

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