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IDPA Tactical Journal Vol 27, Iss 3, 3rd Qtr 2023

Spring 2023, IDPA's Washington State Championship match was held at Paul Bunyan Rifle and Sportsmen's club, of which two of Laser Ammo's sponsored shooters attended, Mary-Grace (MG) McMahon and Kristen Day. They went more specifically to sport a fellow competition shooter couple, Jackie & Joey Russo. Short version, Joey was no longer shooter as he had gotten cancer, surgery and chemotherapy to which he was wheelchair bound. MG came up with the idea to help Joey with keeping his spirits up and when able, to help keep his skills up, of seeing if this club of community around the Russo's could raise enough money to get this for him. Laser Ammo donated a training system to Joey and the money collected went to the other needs for this family. Just goes to show the community and good people around the shooting industry, like no other. 

See the story in IDPA's TJ here, story begins on page 48 - 59.

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