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Competitive Shooter Pro Stage Editor Review & Intro by Joe Mireles

Joe Mireles is a competition shooter of USPSA, IDPA, Steel Challenge & more.. and a techie kind of guy, so was pleased to offer us a review of the Competitive Shooter Pro and provide a screen share how-to of the free stage builder side of the Comp Shooter Pro, Smokeless Range add on.

Upon the release of the Competitive Shooter Pro, he was chomping at the bit to get at it and after a few weeks of the release, we had found a few more bugs, many thanks to Joe for helping us find many of them, so he provided another video or two with some of those updates included.

Keep in mind that the Competitive Shooter Pro is a software add on for the Smokeless Range, ideal for competition shooters to shoot unlimited stage designs. The best part of this software is the actual stage builder, which is free to anyone/everyone. Anyone can build a stage, or a whole match from the CSP editor, keep it on their local file and then upload to the online community after the match, or just a few stages. This provides unlimited options for shooters and provides stage designers a cool way to stage build.  Check out the videos Joe has provided and let us know if you have any questions.

So below you will find the 3 videos he has done on this free editor..

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