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Elite Force's Cool Interactive Display with iMTTS & Recoil Guns

We were mentioned in Elite Force's blog this month, recapping their cool display from NRA in May 2024. They had Gnat Warfare build the display featuring "flying" drone targets which had iMTTS targets on them. This allowed patrons the ability to test our reactive targets using Elite Force's recoil guns to shoot at the moving drone targets. 

They shared what we and many in our industry talk about all of the time... that dry fire is essential, that it is never to replace live fire time, but that it provides the opportunity to practice at home any time, or actually anywhere safe to do so. Dry fire gives you the opportunity to work on the fundamentals and continue to put them into muscle memory.

And while the tools to dry fire can range from nothing to elaborate Smokeless Range experiences, that the investment is worth it for the mere convenience and fun aspect of it.

Check out their blog for more on that.

Should you be interested in electronic targets, lasers for your pistols or rifles, simulators or recoil and no recoil guns, do reach out and let us know how we can help you enjoy more dry fire training time.

Elite Force at NRA 2024
image courtesy of and rights to Elite Force, click image to see full blog
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