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JOHN WICK Style Home Dry Fire Training System? Laser Ammo Review & Quick Training Guide!

Average Gun Guy was intimidated by the set up but once he sat down and took a look at it, found it was easier than he thought. He reviewed the set up and how to for the Flash Bolt and then goes over the iMTTS targets and the various modes it has and which one he was playing with. Then he set them up around the house and started to get into action.

He loved the plus of not needing to calibrate his phone or the need for internet capabilities. The directions are pretty straight forward and easy to follow, so no need to be intimidated.

A great reminder to not compromise your training by not doing it. Having Laser Ammo and tools to dry fire make it easier to do is awesome. Laser Ammo's training system is cool, awesome and super easy to use.

"Stay Safe, Stay Training, and Stay Free"

Check out his video here.

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